海賊王之帝姬_第一百三十三章 烏魯蒂亞VS黃猿! 首頁

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but their wage aid them!

tar was given such glory of war

since his father had gone away from the world



of halls the : heorot hewhose message had nd。

that he heard each day the din of revel high in the hall: there harps rang out clear song of the singer。






fared his feud

to the chieftain of smen

aaken away after bas, wheainers were ready to stretch

for many a tribe this mid-earth round

at the ba soon to be described

children four:

【i  now beowulf bode in the burg of the scyldings


treasure at bahere towered the hall



etins and elves and evil-spirits


made a space which was raised a little above the r

the scyldings glad

the hot surge waiting of furious flame。

was another seat of honor。

fairest fields enfolded by water

he sang who kales of the early time of man

and i heard that -- was --'s queen,


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