海賊王之帝姬_第一百四十四章 Not a Dead END 首頁

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oh, we are traveling the past and the future through love

you seek eternal breath

break dow's revamp all the truth and we will create a fact

everything will be going right for me

bad choice! bad sign!


dead or alive dead or alive

yes! they are in the same time

't you read? 't you see?




it is a prologue of collapse

i meet you at your story


everything will be decided by the rules

back to you…

death is a frat's all how do you think?

nothing's gonna ge with you in the world

over the miracle



life is a game it's a survival that's right! how do you start?

everything will be decided by the rules

let's dial back all the pains and we will be bain

船醫先生的聲音,聽起來很落拓,彷彿一點的壓力都冇有,“船長,我們現在在level 6,請唆使,level 6的雨之希留如何措置?”


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