重生萌娃親媽駕到_第六十六章 解決方案 首頁

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江知念體貼腸問道:“What's wrong, honey?” (如何了,敬愛的?)

校長也說道:“Business is important. I hope everything goes well for you, Mr. Gu.” (買賣首要。但願您統統順利,顧先生。)

校長臉上暴露欣喜的笑容,說道:“That's wonderful, Jiang. We will definitely support you in achieving that balance.” (那太好了,江。我們必然會支撐你達到這類均衡。)


顧昱珩略帶歉意地說道:“It's an urgent call from the pany. I need to step aside for a moment.” (公司的告急電話,我需求出去接一下。)


江知念悄悄攪動著麵前的咖啡,墮入了深思。過了好一會兒,她緩緩抬開端,說道:“President, let me think about it. I need to balance my family and career carefully. It's a tough decision, and I want to make the right choice for everyone involved. I need to consider all the factors and implications.” (校長,讓我想一想。我需求細心衡量家庭和奇蹟。這是一個艱钜的決定,我想為統統相乾的人做出精確的挑選。我需求考慮統統的身分和影響。)

江知念微微皺起眉頭,有些躊躇地說道:“President, I'm currently managing a pany and already have less time to spend with my son. If I take part in this, it would be even less. I don't want to miss out on precious moments with him. My son is at a crucial stage of growth, and I want to be a part of it. Right now, he needs my presence and guidance more than ever.” (校長,我現在還要辦理公司,陪兒子的時候已經很少了。如果插手這個,就更少了。我不想錯過和他在一起的貴重光陰。我的兒子正處於生長的關頭階段,我想參與此中。現在,他比以往任何時候都更需求我的伴隨和指導。)


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