校長安撫道:“Don't worry, Mrs. Gu. I'm sure he'll handle the problem well.” (彆擔憂,顧太太。我信賴他會措置好題目的。)
校長笑著說道:“This dessert looks amazing. It seems we are in for a treat.” (這個甜點看起來太棒了。看來我們有口福了。)
江知念深吸一口氣,說道:“President, I have decided to participate in the exchange program. But I also hope to be able to balance my family time as much as possible.” (校長,我決定參與交換項目。但我也但願能儘能夠地均衡我的家庭時候。)
江知念拿起勺子,悄悄挖了一小塊蛋糕,送到顧昱珩嘴邊,調皮地說:“Honey, try this.” (敬愛的,嚐嚐這個。)
顧昱珩略帶歉意地說道:“It's an urgent call from the pany. I need to step aside for a moment.” (公司的告急電話,我需求出去接一下。)
江知念悄悄握住他的手,說道:“I understand. Work es first. Don't worry about us.” (我瞭解。事情要緊,彆擔憂我們。)
顧昱珩起成分開坐位,走到餐廳外的走廊上接聽電話。電話那頭傳來部屬焦心的聲音:“Mr. Gu, there's a major problem with the project. We need your immediate decision.” (顧總,項目呈現了嚴峻題目,需求您頓時做決定。)
校長身材微微前傾,勸說道:“Jiang, this is a great opportunity for both you and the university. Your experience and expertise would be invaluable during this exchange. And think about it, it could also bring new perspectives and resources to your pany. It's not just about the academic aspect; it could have a positive impact on your business as well. It's a win-win situation. Besides, this experience might inspire you to find better ways to balance work and family in the long run.” (江,這對你和黌舍來講都是一個很好的機遇。在此次交換中,你的經曆和專業知識將是非常貴重的。並且想想看,這也能夠為你的公司帶來新的視角和資本。這不但是學術方麵的;它也能夠對你的停業產生主動的影響。這是一個共贏的局麵。彆的,此次經曆能夠會鼓勵你從長遠來看找到更好的均衡事情和家庭的體例。)