古今交織:冷豔女主的豪門軍婚_第98章 套取情報 首頁

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厲霆琛停下腳步,轉過身,眼神中流暴露一絲嚴肅:“Our R & D directions are always based on national defense needs and strategic considerations. At present, we are more concerned about the victory of this joint operation and the safety of our soldiers. Any cooperation needs to go through strict procedures and prehensive evaluations. (我們的研發方向始終基於國防需乞降計謀考慮。目前,我們更體貼此次結合行動的勝利以及我們兵士的安然。任何合作都需求顛末嚴格的法度和全麵的評價。)”

中間一名他國帶領人彷彿發覺到了甚麼,看似不經意地開口問道:“Is there any new situation? You seem to have received some important information. (是不是有甚麼新環境?你們彷彿收到了首要的動靜。)”


其他帶領人相互對視一眼,仍不斷念,持續旁敲側擊:“Some of our countries are also very interested in certain advanced weapon systems. Maybe we can have some cooperation in this regard in the future? (我們一些國度對某些先進兵器體係也很感興趣。或許將來我們能夠在這方麵停止一些合作?)”

一名本國帶領人驚奇地看著螢幕,用英語讚歎道:“Your weapons and the performance of your soldiers are truly outstanding! How did you manage to achieve such a high level of bat proficiency?″(你們的兵器以及兵士的表示實在是太超卓了!你們是如何達到如此高的作戰程度的?)



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