小王子_第五章 首頁

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This time, once more, I had the sheep to thank for it. For the little prince asked me abruptly― as if seized by a grave doubt― "It is true, isn’t it, that sheep eat little bushes""Yes, that is true."

Now there were some terrible seeds on the planet that was the home of the little prince; and these were the seeds of the baobab. The soil of that planet was infested with them.

"We would have to put them one on top of the other," he said.

Chapter 5


A baobab is something you will never, never be able to get rid of if you attend to it too late. It spreads over the entire planet. It bores clear through it with its roots. And if the planet is too small, and the baobabs are too many, they split it in pieces...


"Ah! I am glad!"



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